Dear Colleagues and Friends,
on behalf of Prof. Jürgen Biederer, Prof. Karl-Friedrich Kreitner as well as the ESTI and ESCR Boards, we would like to cordially thank you for your participation in the second Joint Meeting, which was organised in Berlin/DE, from October 26-28, 2023. The programme attracted more than 1.000 participants from all over the world. We hope you have enjoyed the meeting and are looking forward to welcoming you again in 2024 in Dubrovnik, Croatia!
The ESCR-ESTI Joint Meeting will be organised as in-person event. No online/on-demand participation will be offered.
Education Congress Research GmbH/ESCR-ESTI 2023 cannot accept any liability for the acts of the suppliers to this meeting or the attendees’ safety while travelling to or from the congress. All participants and accompanying persons are strongly advised to carry adequate travel and health insurance, as Education Congress Research GmbH/ESCR-ESTI 2023 cannot accept liability for accidents or injuries that may occur. Education Congress Research GmbH/ESCR-ESTI 2023 is not liable for personal injury and loss or damage of private property.
Each participant who attends the live event will be able to download the confirmation of attendance document from the ESCR MyUserArea account after the congress. Persons who attend the live event (October 26-28) and who successfully evaluate the congress can download the UEMS CME certificate from the ESTI MyUserArea account end of November 2023.
UEMS CME evaluation deadline: Sunday, November 05, 2023
IMPORTANT: Due to UEMS regulations, attendees can only claim CME credits for the sessions that have actually been attended during the event. You will need to evaluate each session that you attended and would like to receive credits for on the event evaluation form. As part of this process participants’ attendance will be monitored throughout the event.
UEMS CME Accreditation – LIVE EVENT
The ESCR-ESTI Joint Meeting 2023, Berlin, Germany, 26/10/2023-28/10/2023 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 18 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at www.ama-assn.org/education/earn-credit-participation-international-activities.
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
The “Ärztekammer Berlin” has accredited the ESCR-ESTI Joint Meeting 2023 and its pre-courses as following:
25.10.2023 – 6 points
26.10.2023 – 6 points
27.10.2023 – 6 points
28.10.2023 – 6 points
German delegates can visit the registration desk to get the respective points accredited.
Please make sure to sign the attendance sheet daily.
Confirmation of attendance
Each participant who attends the live event will be able to download the confirmation of attendance document from the ESTI MyUserArea account after the congress. The CME credits are only available for those who complete and send the evaluation form.
UEMS CME evaluation deadline: Sunday, November 05, 2023. CME certificates will be made available by end of November 2023.
October 26-28, 2023
Congress Venue
Mercure Hotel MOA Berlin
Birkenstraße 19-21
10559 Berlin
Prof. Karl-Friedrich Kreitner
Prof. Jürgen Biederer
The meeting is held in English.
Education Congress Research GmbH
Am Gestade 1
1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 5334064-909
Email: office@escr.org
We are very excited to announce that this year’s photo gallery is now online!
Q2-Kurse Herz-CT und Herz-MRT - GERMAN
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Freunde und Partner,
wir möchten Sie sehr herzlich im kommenden Herbst vom 25.-27. Oktober zu den Q2-Kursen Herz-CT und Herz-MRT nach Berlin einladen. Die Programmgestaltung der Qualifizierungskurse erfolgte nach dem bewährten Schema und unter der Ägide der AG Herz und Gefäße der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft. Hier führen Sie ausgewiesene Experten auf dem Gebiet der kardialen CT- und MRT-Bildgebung durch das aktuelle und attraktive Programm. Kursinhalte des CT-Kurses decken neben den derzeit gültigen Leitlinien wichtige Grundlagen wie die Patientenvorbereitung, Management/ Pharmakologie, Strahlenexposition und Postprocessing ab. Daneben werden vertieft die präinterventionelle CTDiagnostik einschließlich Plaque- und Ischämiediagnostik behandelt wie auch die Bildgebung nach Bypass, Stent- und Klappenimplantation.
Analog zum CT-Kurs umfasst der MR-Kurs aktuelle Leitlinien und Studien zur kardialen MRT sowie Patientenvorbereitung, Management/Pharmakologie und Notfalltherapie. Danach werden die ischämische Kardiopathie gefolgt von den Kardiomyopathien: hier werden neben den klassischen Untersuchungstechniken weitergehende Techniken wie Mapping und Strain-Analyse behandelt. Sitzungen zu Klappen- und kongenitale Vitien runden das Programm ab.
Die Kurse finden vor und z.T. parallel zur 2. gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) und der European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) statt. Dies soll Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit geben, Ihre erworbenen Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der kardiothorakalen Bildgebung durch die Teilnahme am Joint Meeting zu vertiefen. Wir haben uns – auch aus organisatorischen Gründen – verständigt, dass eine Teilnahme an den Q-Kursen zu deutlich vergünstigten Bedingungen bei Anmeldung zum Joint Meeting möglich ist.
Der Tagungsort Berlin ermöglicht aber nicht nur die Vertiefung der Kenntnisse in kardialer und thorakaler Bildgebung, sondern bietet weitere Möglichkeiten, den Aufenthalt in der Bundeshauptstadt abwechslungsreich zu gestalten.
Wir freuen uns, Sie bald in Berlin begrüßen zu dürfen!
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Lukas Lehmkuhl
Prof. Dr. Matthias Gutberlet
Chairmen Q-Kurse
Prof. Dr. Karl-Friedrich Kreitner
Congress President ESCR
Vorkurs-Gebühr: 200€ (inkludiert ein Vorkurs Dinner am Mittwoch, den 25. Oktober | nur in Verbindung mit Kongressregistraturen buchbar)
Masterkurs Thoraxbildgebung - GERMAN
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Freunde und Partner,
wir möchten Sie sehr herzlich im kommenden Herbst am 25. und 26. Oktober 2023 nach Berlin zum vierten Masterkurs Thoraxbildgebung einladen.
Neue Techniken wie die funktionelle Bildgebung der Lunge, die quantitative CT, spektrale Bildgebung und Photon-Counting-CT erweitern das Spektrum der Thoraxradiologie und bieten Chancen und Perspektiven für personalisierte Patientenversorgung. Neue Herausforderungen entstehen mit dem Lungenkrebsscreening. Zum Einstieg in diese Themen und zur Auffrischung vorhandenen Wissens haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit der AG Thorax der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft (DRG) sowie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie (DGP) wieder ein attraktives Programm zusammengestellt, das Sie in die Grundlagen und in die Spezialthemen der Bildgebung der Thoraxorgane mit Focus auf die wichtigsten Lungenerkrankungen einführt. Ausgewiesene, erfahrene nationale und internationale Experten aus Radiologie und Pneumologie bringen Ihnen an den beiden Tagen die aktuellen „Hot Topics“ der Thoraxbildgebung nahe.
Der Kurs setzt die erfolgreiche Fortbildungsreihe der AG Thorax der DRG fort – diesmal in einem besonderen Rahmen in Zusammenhang mit dem ESCR-ESTI Joint Meeting 2023. In diesem Sinne schließt der sonst wie gewohnt deutschsprachige Kurs in zwei gemeinsamen Sitzungen mit der European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) in englischer Sprache, auf denen die wichtigsten Aspekte des Lungenkarzinomscreenings in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt präsentiert und diskutiert werden. Damit bietet sich die einmalige Gelegenheit, nach diesem kompakten Kurs zu Vorzugskonditionen auch das folgende ESCR-ESTI
Joint Meeting 2023 zu besuchen, weiter in die Welt der Lungen- und Herzbildgebung einzutauchen und das erlangte Wissen zu erweitern und zu vertiefen.
Wir freuen uns, Sie bald in Berlin begrüßen zu dürfen!
Mark Wielpütz
Masterkurs Präsident
Jürgen Biederer
ESTI 2023 Präsident
Weiter Informationen sind unter www.myesti.org zu finden.
Early registration until September 3 |
Late registration until October 25 |
Onsite registration until October 28 |
Regular Ticket Non-Member | 460,00 € | 560,00 € | 660,00 € |
Regular Ticket Member* | 360,00 € | 460,00 € | 560,00 € |
Resident/Junior Non-Member | 240,00 € | 310,00 € | 380,00 € |
Resident Member* | 190,00 € | 260,00 € | 330,00 € |
Nurse/Technologist/Technician/Physicist/Physician Non-Member* | 240,00 € | 310,00 € | 380,00 € |
Nurse/Technologist/Technician/Physicist/Physician Member* | 190,00 € | 260,00 € | 330,00 € |
Student* | 50,00 € | 50,00 € | 50,00 € |
Add-On Q2-Kurse Herz-CT und Herz-MRT* | 200,00 € | 200,00 € | 200,00 € |
Evening Event | 90,00 € | 90,00 € | 90,00 € |
Please note that all prices are excluding 19% VAT.
- Member
- Resident
- Nurse/Technologist/Technician/Physicist/Physician
- Student
- Add-On Q2-Kurse Herz CT und Herz MRT
Reduced member registration is available to all active ESCR 2023 members in good standing.
Reduced resident registration will be offered to residents, who have to send or email a letter, written on official hospital letter paper and signed by the head of department, confirming their status as such within 5 working days after online registration. In case this confirmation is not received, the registration fee will automatically be adjusted to a regular fee. The age limit for a registration as resident is set at 35 years (incl. the age of 35).
Registration categorised as allied sciences is limited in general to nurses, technologists and physicists without any academic title. Nurses, technologists and physicists have to send or email a letter, written on official hospital letter paper and signed by the head of department, confirming their status as such within 5 working days after completed online registration. In case this confirmation is not received, the registration fee will automatically be adjusted to a regular fee.
Student registration will be offered to students without any academic title. Students are kindly asked to send an email to the ESCR Office with a copy of their valid student picture ID and a copy of their passport. The age limit for a registration as student is set at 30 years (incl. the age of 30).
For further information or registration kindly contact office@escr.org.
Kindly note that this course will be held in German language only and that places are limited. This add-on ticket can only be purchased in combination with a congress registration.
Click here to download the Terms and Conditions (Cancellation Policy).
In case of cancellation, neither Education Congress Research GmbH, nor ESCR or ESTI will refund any registration fee(s). Education Congress Research GmbH/ESCR-ESTI 2023 offers all interested persons the option of taking out an insurance with our partner ‘Europäische Reiseversicherung’. The insurance fee depends on the selected ticket and can only be booked during online registration. After payment and finalisation of the registration, insurance can no longer be selected. All cancellation requests must be issued to the ‘Europäische Reiseversicherung’ directly. Refunds will be given according to the terms and conditions of the ‘Europäische Reiseversicherung’. Neither Education Congress Research GmbH nor ESCR or ESTI are responsible for any refunds of registration fees.
- ESCR-ESTI 2023 ePoster Gallery
- Invited Abstracts - Common Track
- Invited Abstracts - Cardiovascular Radiology
- ESCR Abstracts 2023
- ESTI Abstracts 2023
Click here to access the ESCR-ESTI 2023 ePoster Gallery.
Click here to access all submitted abstracts of Room 1 – Common Track.
Click here to access all submitted abstracts of Room 2 – Cardiovascular Radiology.
All accepted abstracts have been published within iJCVI Journal. Click here to acces the publication.
Click here to access all accepted ESTI Abstracts 2023.
We would like to congratulate the ESCR award winners 2023:
Certificate of Merit
Diagnosis of high-grade left ventricular diastolic dysfunction from the 4D flow-derived left atrial acceleration factor
Gert Reiter, Graz/AT
Dedicated Cardiovascular Screening in Lung Cancer Screening: Preliminary Results from the European 4-IN-THE-LUNG-RUN Trial
Marleen Vonder, Groningen/NL
Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring on Photon-Counting Detector CT: Towards a New Standard 2.0
Nicola Fink, Charleston/US
Cum Laude
Additional value of the Late Contrast Enhancement (LCE) scan for myocardial tissue characterization in patients with acute symptoms and troponin elevation undergoing cardiac CT.
Davide Vignale, Milan/IT
Magna Cum Laude
The Predictive Value of Stress-CMR and SPECT-MPI in High-Risk Patients Undergoing Non-Cardiac Surgery
Constanza Lisi, Milan/IT
ESCR-ESTI 2023 Berlin
It is our pleasure to invite you to become part of the second Joint Meeting in the field of Cardiovascular Radiology and Thoracic Imaging. The meeting will be held from October 26-28, 2023, in Berlin/DE. Various options within an attractive and exciting congress programme focusing on cardiovascular and chest imaging shall help to perfectly position your company and reach out to about 800 expected international participants.
Main topics 2023
As an ouverture, two pre-congress courses held in German, „Masterkurs Thoraxradiologie“ and „Q1/Q2-Kurs Herz-CT und Herz-MRT“, will prepare for a flying start on Wednesday October 25, 2023. The main programme will then further appreciate the potential synergies of a joint meeting, focusing on particularly interesting overlapping topics from both imaging fields – to be surrounded by a colorful bunch of educational and scientific lectures and workshops from all over the fields of cardiovascular and thoracic imaging.
Supporting the ESCR-ESTI Joint Meeting – What’s in for the industry?
– Participate and present your products/research in an exhibition to an international audience
– Stimulate and discuss new research: Use this occasion to stir discussion and create awareness
– Encourage and promote education and public awareness
– Cooperate and network with opinion leaders
– Support and assist opinion leaders to reach the best clinical recommendations for current therapeutic dilemmas
– Inform and update international participants on clinical and technological developments
The industry partners are the most important supporters for both societies, ESCR and ESTI, enabling us to organise the second Joint Meeting and to keep the high quality and standard of our meetings. In return, the ESCR and ESTI would like to offer various different options of a possible cooperation enlisted in the sponsor options brochure.
Besides our standard options, we will be happy to create your very own sponsor package or discuss further options that might be interesting to your company. We would be delighted to welcome you as a partner of the ESCR-ESTI Joint Meeting in October 2023.
Yours sincerely
ESCR Office | ESTI Office
Delegates, participants, exhibitors and other partners are continually targeted by companies claiming to be, or work with, event organisers. They use existing event branding and may appear genuine. In the past this has included directories and hotel bookings, besides other requests.
Our official partners are listed on the conference website, thus we ask you to retrieve all information and guidance from there only.
ESCR has no impact on possible scam attempts and thus will not assume any liability for such activity. Please do inform us immediately if you receive anything unexpected, looking like potential scam or that you are unsure of.
What to do if targeted by a scammer
In case you encounter or receive scam:
Ignore completely and do not communicate in any way. Writing letters and responding to emails simply confirms that you exist and are available at the address/email address/number they have and therefore to continue or try to pursue a payment.
1. Alert us immediately
2. Do not pay anything
3. Do not communicate with the scammers even when they threaten legal action
Hotel booking agencies
Please beware of hotel booking companies who contact participants, speakers and supporting companies claiming to be either a preferred supplier or, in some cases, working for our event, that demand up-front payment, charge substantial penalties for changes or cancellation and may not even make a reservation with the unapproved hotel.
We advise that you make your arrangements through reputable suppliers and not via unsolicited phone calls or emails.
Unsolicited Marketing Communications
Companies are being targeted by agencies claiming to supply exhibitor/visitor/participant lists and details relating to our events and products at a cost. Be aware that this data is likely fraudulent. If you receive any such unsolicited offers, please do not respond unless you have checked with us first.
If you are unsure of any correspondence received, please contact us directly at office@escr.org.